The notice however is still relevant as it lets the public know that the work has a copyright and gives the name of the author as with the date when it was first published. In the case of a lawsuit, the party owning the work is always better protected if there is a written notice. Providing a notice does not require the permission of the copyright office.

• Copies you can see: This form of notice should have 3 elements to it. The symbol of copyright which is a c with a circle around it. The first year the work was published. Greeting cards and stationary etc do not require a date. The author's identifying initials or name.

• For Sound records and Phonorecord: For this one you use a p with a circle around it. The first year it was made and the name of the person who wrote the piece. If there is a producer and the name appears on the box, then the name will appear in the copyright as producer.

• The Position of the Notice: The positioning of the notice is important. It has to be prominently displayed so everyone can make out what it is. All the required three elements of the notice shall appear together.

• US Government Works: The US government as such does not get US copyright protection. However an exception exists. Where it applies the notice should be placed stating it is the US government copyright and the regular wording.

• Unpublished work: When an unpublished work leaves the presence and control of the author, they may like to put a notice identifying the copyright if taken.


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